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4 Responses to Please have your say…

  1. elisha patel says:

    I have been living on Westmorland Road since 1999, my house backs directly onto the tennis courts, we have a great view of the courts and i have enjoyed playing there in the past, I would really be unhappy if it was to change into something horrible like more flats or houses. I believe it is wrong of the club to sell the land and profit from it.


  2. Adrian says:

    I tried joining this club for years but there has never been a website, there’s no contact number on the door and the door was always closed every time I walked past. I spoke to one of the trustees, a woman who doesn’t even live anywhere near North Harrow, and came away with the deep impression that she is determined to sell and was actively running down the membership in a way to actually make the club unviable. Maybe I’m being too cynical but that was my impression. If that’s the case this is a form of legalised fraud, asset stripping from the community for the benefit of a few old people who had the benefit of the club but now want to liquidate it for their own personal gain. Naked greed is so ugly. If this is really the case may the money burn a hole in her pocket.

  3. Quan Sim says:

    Hi, I came across your website and was wondering if there was any news about the status of the tennis club. I live locally and would be interested in joining a local club. I know others exist nearby, but am to see small clubs cease to operate.

    • Miraj Bhogaita says:

      As a child, I use to have lessons every friday afternoon and loved playing there whenever I had some free time, I am very disheartened at the fact the club is looking to be sold, just want to know what the current situation is?

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